Reiki is a Japanese form of stress reduction that promotes deep relaxation and overall wellbeing. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese Kanji for Rei-(universal) and Ki (Life force Energy). Reiki accesses the same life-force energy as acupuncture, Qigong and Tai Chi. All of these ancient forms of healing, in the eastern philosophies, seek to activate, increase and free the flow of the vital life force energy that supports all living things.
Acupuncture balances the flow of energy by stimulating specific points along energy pathways. Qigong and Tai Chi activate and move energy through the body via intention and mindful movements.
Reiki utilizes a trained practitioner who channels this same life force energy and allows it to flow to others in a magnified way for the purposes of relaxation and healing.
We are all intimately and fundamentally connected with one another and the world around us. This understanding is supported by quantum physics and other areas of science. Studies have demonstrated that a person can affect matter with their intention and energy even from thousands of miles away.
All things, regardless of how solid they appear, are actually groups of atoms clustered tightly together. Yet, intense magnification reveals that space remains between the atoms of every substance, including the human body.
An endless, uninterrupted river of energy flows through that space and therefore in, around and through all things. Reiki practitioners recognize and access this flow and work with it effectively regardless of physical proximity.
How does distance Reiki work?
Is Reiki compatible with my religion?
Humankind has sought to understand and access divine energy, for both personal and collective wellbeing, from the very beginning. All of the world’s religions are steeped in spiritual traditions and practices that inspire, inform, and help believers establish and maintain connection with the divine.
Reiki strengthens one's connection with the divine, in all of its forms, and therefore many find that Reiki deepens their faith. It is our belief that Reiki is compatible with all religions and spiritual paths. Reiki reveals and deepens one's connection with their authentic self and directly connects them with the highest source of love.
Reiki is a proven pathway to wholeness and wellbeing that is practiced by people of all religious beliefs. Those with no religious affiliation or belief also find Reiki meaningful and beneficial.