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Every session is sacred; a holy moment outside of space and time in which to connect more fully with the divine essence, life force energy, that is

the source of all health, harmony and wellbeing. 

Jennifer Taylor
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Private Reiki Sessions with Sacred Sound 

Every session is unique. The Reiki energy will meet you exactly where you are in the moment, and deliver precisely the energetic experience that is right for you. The combination of Reiki and Sacred Sound instruments has a synergistic effect, greatly enhancing the energetic capacity of each modality.   Sacred Sounds are entirely inspired by the divine consciousness accessed within the session and are spontaneous and unique.  This may mean some session are entirely silent, and others may be full of Sacred Sounds.  Rest assured, you will receive exactly the experience that is aligned with your highest good. 


*if you prefer a Reiki session without the use of Sacred Sound simply mention this in the comments when booking, or at the beginning of your session


Image by Magic Bowls
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Animal Reiki Sessions

Utilizing a unique frequency of animal life force  energy our ICRT Animal Reiki Master practitioners offer the gift of Reiki to all animals. We honor their innate wisdom, their body and mind's natural ability to heal, and invite the animals to receive the Reiki energy on their terms.  In doing so, we enter into sacred relationship built on mutual respect and trust, in which they can relax and fully receive the benefits of Reiki.

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